The Sponsored Content Upload feature streamlines the connection between you, publishers you advertise with, and ActiveConversion. The feature allows customers to write and edit their content that can then be shared directly to the desired publishing partner. Once shared, tracking is automatically set up ensuring that you never miss out on a sales lead!
- Enter your ActiveConversion account
- Hover over “Marketing” and select “Sponsored Content”
- Select the green “New Content” button in the top right hand corner
- The New Content page will open where you can create your content, choose a preferred publish date, select the publishing partner and choose any images to feature with the content
- Saving the content as a draft will allow you to come back and edit it before officially sending it out to the publisher
Once you’re ready for the content to be published, you can select the “Send Now” button to send your article to the publisher.
ActiveConversion will also receive a notification when the article is sent, and the marketing team will review the content to ensure the content is optimized for engagement.
In addition to customers being able to send content seamlessly through the software, when the content is published it automatically includes the ActiveConversion tracking code that will transfer new leads to your account. The ActiveConversion team will confirm that the tracking code is working, so you can be sure to never miss out on results.